The Grounding Cord

The Grounding Cord blog is a forum for the ever-widening community studying and teaching the psychic development techniques of authors, teachers and psychics John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher.

This blog is a place, outside of classes and weekend workshops, to discuss meditation, clearing energy, the chakras and layers of the aura, the Seven Planes and other related topics.

John has made only one request for those writing to this blog: No politics.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


John would like to share an excerpt from the May 15 Time Magazine article, "The World's Next Top Lama", about the 22 year old Karmapa (perhaps the 2nd most important reincarnate lama).

When a reporter noted that the Kagyu lineage is known for its stress on practice and that his own generation is not known for its patience, the Karmapa delivered some advice that his American followers could no doubt appreciate. "If people have no patience," he said, "they have no patience, and I can't insist that they develop it. But I've observed that human life without patience becomes unworkable. My experience has been that I've been forced to develop patience with unchangeable situations." It is a virtue to recommend as well to those hoping for a solution for Tibet's status.

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