The Grounding Cord

The Grounding Cord blog is a forum for the ever-widening community studying and teaching the psychic development techniques of authors, teachers and psychics John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher.

This blog is a place, outside of classes and weekend workshops, to discuss meditation, clearing energy, the chakras and layers of the aura, the Seven Planes and other related topics.

John has made only one request for those writing to this blog: No politics.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Saying "Hello" and Getting It

John, about an hour before your conference call, I started typing my notes from the Fall Intensive and immediately I realized a deeper understanding of what it means to say "Hello" to someone. Although I did well at our family dinner on Sunday, afterward I started questioning a few things a family member said and realized this is some old programming and the old thinking process of mine.

It wasn't major, just an irritant, but as soon as I started to type my notes, I thought of saying “Hello” and I got it. In fact, it was somewhat comical when I realized how I thought she should act or what she should say. I felt the Integration starting right before your conference call. That was really cool.

Thanks for the extra help and healing tonight.

-Debi Cain

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