The Grounding Cord

The Grounding Cord blog is a forum for the ever-widening community studying and teaching the psychic development techniques of authors, teachers and psychics John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher.

This blog is a place, outside of classes and weekend workshops, to discuss meditation, clearing energy, the chakras and layers of the aura, the Seven Planes and other related topics.

John has made only one request for those writing to this blog: No politics.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

In the Womb with My Soul

Since John’s Spring Intensive two years ago, I've really grown closer with a connection and communication with my soul. Recently, the term "womb of the soul" has come up for me. In the October Seven Planes Class I felt I was in the womb when John asked us to have our physical body step into our soul at the causal level.

I've only read about the "womb of the soul" and what it might mean and until that night, I felt I truly experienced it. My soul seemed so huge, which brought up questions about the times when my body has felt like a giant or portions of my body seem huge after soul or channeling work. This experience taught me to not try and figure it out - just let it come to me and the meaning will come with the experience.

Since John's Level V Workshop in Cincinnati and his October Level I-II remote session, I've been giving back loads and loads of pictures to others, along with exploding my own. I noticed a difference when venturing out into the 7 planes and coming back. At the Spring Intensive, I had so much bloating and pressure as I came back and I also experienced bloating during the 7 Planes remote sessions. In the October session, I didn't have any bloating at all. It felt very "clean" going out and back (actually , it feels like going out and up for me, then in and down).

We did an exercise called the Field of Roses. One rose represented experiences that happened as I wished, and the other rose represented experiences that did not happen as I wished.

I sensed a great awareness and acceptance of the experiences that didn't happen as I wished, and I felt the same with those experiences that I enjoyed. I didn't feel the pain - I just realized the growth from the lessons taught. My soul seemed consistent with both of the roses.

I'm starting to notice a consistency with what comes up in some of the planes. For instance:
1) Monadic, level 1 - the song and words, "Let it Be and Whisper words of Wisdom."
2) Adi, level 1 - the sound of bees buzzing and a honey comb forming from the sound.

Thanks for doing these sessions, John. I truly appreciate it and absolutely love doing this work and connecting/communicating deeper with my soul (and Mataji).

-Debi Cain

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